1/88 Township Dr, Burleigh Heads QLD 4220
07 5554 5800

Risk Assessment & Insurance

Start With The End In Mind

Don’t stick your head in the sand when it comes to properly protecting your financial future!

We try to convince ourselves, “It’s never going to happen to me!” But the reality is – we all know someone who has been affected in tragic and unexpected circumstances from an accident, death or illness such as cancer, heart attack or stroke.

In fact, statistics tell us…

  • Illnesses such as cancer, heart attack, stroke and vascular disease kill more than 86,000 Australian annually. (Australian Heart Foundation Fact Sheet and Cancer Council of Australia)
  • In 2008, 108,000 new cases of cancer were

(Australia’s Health 2008 – Australian Institute of Health & Wellbeing)

  • One in four Australians women and one in three Australian men will be diagnosed with cancer before they are

(Australia’s Health 2008 – Australian Institute of Health & Wellbeing)

  • Three in four Australians will be diagnosed with serious illness in their working life and more than 1,600 people, most aged 26-59, die on the road every

(Noel Whittaker – Whittaker Macnaugth, Courier Mail – May 2009)

  • Each year in Australia, 26,000 people will suffer a heart attack, 40,000 a stroke and 154,000 a critical illness. (Insurance watch statistics)
  • One in three Australians will be off work for more than three months during their working life due to illness or injury. (Mortgage Professional Australia – June 2008)

Research in Australia also Suggests that:

  • Only 1 in 10 Small Business Owners in Australia have constructed their Business Will
  • 60% of Australian families with dependants will run out of money within 12 months if the main income earner
  • About 31% of all Australians adults aged between 18 -59 years are not covered by life
  • Even though a lot of Australians obtain some form of basic automatic life cover through superannuation, 64% of us do not have enough coverage in
  • Only 4% of Australian parents have enough life insurance cover to sustain their family’s lifestyle if either parent were to